How Do Job Boards Make Money?

How Do Job Boards Make Money?
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Job boards have become an essential tool for both job seekers and employers. But have you ever wondered how job boards make money? In this article, we’ll explore the various ways that job boards generate revenue and which businesses are most suited to launching job boards.

  1. Job Postings

The most common way that job boards make money is by charging employers to post job listings. Employers pay a fee to post their job opening on the job board for a set period of time. The fee can vary depending on the duration of the listing, the level of visibility, and the industry.

For example, some job boards charge a premium fee for job postings in high-demand fields such as tech or finance. Job boards can also charge additional fees for features such as bolded listings or featured job postings.

  1. CV Database Access

Another way that job boards make money is by offering employers access to their CV database. Job seekers upload their CV to the job board and employers can search the database for potential candidates. Employers pay a fee to access the CV database, and the fee can vary depending on the level of access and the size of the database.

  1. Premium Job Posting Features

Job boards can offer premium job posting features that go beyond basic listings. For example, some job boards offer video job postings or the ability to create a custom landing page for job listings. These premium features can command a higher fee than basic job postings and can provide additional value to employers.

  1. Company Profiles

Job boards can also offer company profiles, which provide an overview of the company and its culture. Employers pay a fee to create and manage their company profile on the job board. This can be an effective way for companies to showcase their brand and attract top talent.

  1. Pay Per Application

An emerging monetisation strategy for job boards is pay per application. With this model, employers only pay a fee when a candidate applies for a job through the job board. This can be a more cost-effective option for employers and can incentivise them to use the job board more frequently.

Which Businesses are Suited to Launching Job Boards?

Job boards can be a lucrative business for a variety of businesses, but there are a few that are particularly well-suited to launching job boards. Publishers, membership organisations, and businesses with an existing community are all good candidates for launching a job board.

Publishers, such as newspapers or magazines, have an existing audience and can leverage their brand to attract job seekers and employers. Membership organisations, such as professional associations or trade organisations, can create job boards that are specific to their industry or niche. This can provide additional value to their members and increase engagement.

Businesses with an existing community, such as online forums or social networks, can create job boards that are tailored to their community’s needs. This can provide a new revenue stream for the business and increase engagement among their users.

Niche job boards can be particularly effective as they cater to a specific industry or type of job. Niche job boards can provide more targeted job listings and can attract a higher calibre of job seeker.

In conclusion, job boards make money through a variety of revenue streams, including job postings, CV database access, premium job posting features, and company profiles. Pay per application is an emerging monetisation strategy that is gaining popularity. Publishers, membership organisations, and businesses with an existing community are all well-suited to launching job boards, particularly if they focus on a niche industry or type of job. By providing a valuable service to job seekers and employers, job boards can generate revenue and provide a useful tool for job seekers and employers alike.

Need help? I am a Job Board Marketing Consultant with over 15 years of experience working with some of the worlds leading job board businesses. Get in touch for a free 20 minute consultation!

Faisal Mian - Entrepreneur - Freelancer

Written by Jonathan Hedger

Jonathan Hedger is a Chartered Marketer and Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (MCIM/FCIM) with over 15 years experience in B2B marketing & ecommerce having held senior positions for a number of market leading brands as well as VC backed startups.

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